italiano русский
   The following rules are applied in the trade information system (hereinafter the `SYSTEM`):
- registration of new users is made by the website administrator on request;
- when adding a new item to the SYSTEM, the user can put up to two images illustrating the item;
- acceptable file formats for the item images: JPEG, GIF;
- the maximum allowable time of putting any item online (that is, the time of advertising on the main page not more than 90 days (the time is calculated from the date of putting the item in the database or from the last update of this date);
- on the expiry of the specified online advertising time the item is automatically transferred to offline (that is, the item is no longer displayed on the main page and becomes available through the user control panel only to the user who placed the item);
- to avoid automatic transfer of the item to offline (if this item is still on sale), the user must update the date of putting of the item in the database before the moment of transfer of the item to offline, and thus move to a later time the date of automatic transfer of the item to offline (also, the user can increase the online advertising time of the item if the current specified time is not the maximum);
- the maximum allowable time of storage of any item in the database: not more than 360 days (the time is calculated from the date of putting the item in the database or from the last update of this date);
- on the expiry of the specified storage time the item is automatically deleted from the database;
- to avoid automatic removal of the item from the database, the user must update the date of putting of the item in the database before the moment of removal of this item, and thus move to a later time the date of automatic removal of the item (also, the user can increase the item storage time if the current time is not the maximum);
- update the input date into the database can be performed for any item an unlimited number of times;
- the administrator has the right to delete the SYSTEM user account without notice if the user`s items are absent in the database for more than 180 days;
- the website administrator has the right to suspend online advertising of any item without notifying the user if a complaint has been received about this item from any of the site visitors or if the advertising of this item violates moral norms or falls under the criminal or administrative legislation of the user`s country (the administrator has the right to block without notice the account of such a SYSTEM user if the administrator was forced to transfer to offline the user`s items for violation of this paragraph of the rules more than three times);
- the website administrator is not responsible for the risks associated with the use of materials, information and services obtained through this site.
   The administrator has the right to change the above rules without notice and consent of the SYSTEM users.
   In case of disagreement with the SYSTEM`s terms of use, the administrator asks to refrain from using it.
   If you are a seller wishing to become a SYSTEM user, please complete the registration form on the site. The registration is fast and FREE.
   If you have any technical issues or any questions, proposals or complaints, you can send a message to the website administrator.
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